Blue Mediation - We can resolve this


Breaking Through the Blue Wall

BlueMediation is honoured to have been invited to speak on three recent episodes of podcasts! Founder Tom Girling appeared on Dr. Debra Dupree’s Decoding the Conflict Mindset podcast this past January to discuss law enforcement in the wake of 2020-2021 social and political unrest.

One of the ‘hot’ topics among cities, organizations and dispute resolution professionals alike is how law enforcement addresses community issues, social unrest, political violence and behavioral health issues. Understanding the pressures that law enforcement faces when out on the street and the strife they encounter can fray the nerves and take its toll.

Decoding the Conflict Mindset, Episode 11

Here’s the full episode:

Tom Girling on the “Creativity Unleashed” Podcast

BlueMediation founder Tom Girling made another podcast appearance, this time on the Creativity Unleashed podcast.

Host Sergio Navarretta talks to guest, former undercover narcotics officer Tom Girling, about mindset, how working undercover is similar to acting, the importance of having intention in our lives, and never being afraid of asking for help.

Unleashing Creativity, Episode 8

You can listen to the full podcast on Spotify, or here:

Getting Comfortable in Uncomfortable Situations

Blue Mediation founder Tom Girling was recently on Karen Kelly’s K2 Sales Podcast, discussing workplace conflict issues and mediation strategies including:

  • Toxic Work Culture & Power Imbalances
  • Bullying
  • Harassment Policies
  • De-escalation Tactics
  • Examples of Good Leadership

Watch the full podcast below, or on Karen Kelly’s YouTube channel.

Resources for Workplace Investigation

Undergoing a workplace investigation? Here are three recent articles to keep you up-to-date with current practices and shed some light on important elements of the investigation:

New Guidance on Workplace Bullying Published

Read the full article on Lexology

Are You Following These 16 Investigation Best Practices?

Don’t berate an interview subject. Don’t dive right into an investigation without a plan. Don’t overlook potential sources of evidence. You probably know these things (and the other things not to do), but when was the last time you brushed up on investigation best practices? We’ve compiled 16 tips from investigation experts across disciplines to ensure your next investigation is timely, fair, organized and effective.

Read the full article on i-Sight

Diversity & Inclusion – Not the Same Thing

In this article I want to speak more generally to the issue of diversity and inclusion and the importance and impact of these practices to your entire organization. Diversity and inclusion are terms that are often mistakenly thought of as synonymous, but  their distinct meanings are  important for us to be aware of whether you are engaged in workplace investigations or are a regulator (also a workplace).

Read the full article on Benard & Associates

Toxic & Conflicted Workplaces

How do you prevent conflict in the workplace from boiling over into an altogether toxic environment? Here are two articles that address these topics:

How To Recognize The Warning Signs Of A Toxic Workplace

Research shows that a toxic workplace can lead to depression, substance abuse, and health issues. If you are starting to feel like workplace problems are affecting you negatively, it might be time to reevaluate.

Read the full article on Forbes

The 7 Conflict Styles Of People You Argue With At Work

Disagreeing with co-workers is inevitable in any job. It’s normal and even encouraged in some situations to clash with colleagues in order to get the best work done. But not all of us have the right tools to do it thoughtfully. Some of us can get aggressive, manipulative or all too silent.

Read the full article on the Huffington Post

Harassment, Sexual Harassment & Violence

These two recent articles on mediating workplace sexual harassment and preventing violence and harassment in the workplace caught our attention:

Mediating Workplace Sexual Harassment: The Road Less Taken

A claim of workplace sexual harassment involves more than two parties: the complainant, the alleged harasser and the employer, each bringing different interests to the table. However, one common factor that all fear is the hideousness of these claims. 

Read the full article on Mediate

Bill C-65: Importance of violence and harassment risk assessment

When establishing programs for the prevention of violence and harassment, organizations must consider all the hazards and related risks that could lead to workers experiencing violence or harassment.

Read the full article on Talent Canada

Preparing for Workplace Assessment

Workplace assessment is an important early step in resolving conflict, but how do you get started? Here are two articles we wanted to share to help you prepare for the assessment process:

Workplace assessments: what you need to know

Janice Rubin, co-founder of Toronto law firm Rubin Thomlinson, says workplace assessments can be an invaluable tool to identifying inappropriate behaviour before it becomes a legal issue. Here, she explains exactly what they are and why HR professionals should adopt them.

Read the full article on Human Resources Director

What is Reasonable Management Action?

When a bullying or harassment complaint is made against a manager it is important to consider if the behaviour of the manager was bullying or Reasonable Management Action.

Read the full article on Australian Workplace Training & Investigation

Resources for a better workplace in 2021

When’s the right time to begin the process of improving your workplace environment and preventing issues of harassment and bullying? The answer is always: right now.

Here are some great resources we’ve come across recently to help:

The Impact of Microaggressions – An Introductory Training

Discover techniques to minimize the occurrence of microaggressions and ways to respond when someone has been microaggressive.

View the full presentation on the University of Nebraska website

5 Tips for Managing Workplace Conflict in 2021

How does one plan for managing conflict in the workplace in the midst of a global pandemic, presidential transition in the United States, and overall uncertainty throughout the world? What does conflict resolution look like in a virtual or hybrid workplace if it is no longer possible to meet a colleague by the watercooler or stop by a supervisor’s office to casually run something by them? Regardless of what is going on in the world, conflict will always be constant.

Read the full article on Black Enterprise

Leadership in the Workplace

Leadership is an important element in every workplace. Here are some articles we’ve come across recently that are great resources for fostering leadership in your work environment:

8 Proven Strategies to Workplace Excellence

In great places to work, conscious attitudes, behaviours and core values combine to create a place where people want to make and grow their careers.

Read Lori Sone-Cooper’s full post on LinkedIn

Try these 4 self-improvement strategies to become a better leader

Leadership coach Amy Kan says when we develop this discipline, we are more likely to achieve our personal objectives but also become more inspiring, innovative leaders for the people in our lives who need us right now.

Read the full article on Fast Company

Member Spotlight on Mediation Beyond Borders

Tom Girling of Blue Mediation was recently profiled as a Member Spotlight on the Mediation Beyond Borders website, speaking about mediation in the law enforcement workplace.

Read the full article here:

Bringing Mediation into the Law Enforcement Workplace. Member Spotlight: Tom Girling