When’s the right time to begin the process of improving your workplace environment and preventing issues of harassment and bullying? The answer is always: right now.
Here are some great resources we’ve come across recently to help:
The Impact of Microaggressions – An Introductory Training
Discover techniques to minimize the occurrence of microaggressions and ways to respond when someone has been microaggressive.
View the full presentation on the University of Nebraska website
5 Tips for Managing Workplace Conflict in 2021
How does one plan for managing conflict in the workplace in the midst of a global pandemic, presidential transition in the United States, and overall uncertainty throughout the world? What does conflict resolution look like in a virtual or hybrid workplace if it is no longer possible to meet a colleague by the watercooler or stop by a supervisor’s office to casually run something by them? Regardless of what is going on in the world, conflict will always be constant.